Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Pollution in Jakarta

Pollution in Jakarta is becoming a bigger issue every single day, and we all have our ways in contributing.  Jakarta is one of the many cities around the world that are gradually becoming more and more industrialized every minute.  This had a major effect on the environment and all of us living in the environment.  As we all know, one of the many factors that contributes to Jakarta's rising numbers in pollution, is the traffic that many of us must deal with.  Traffic among Jakarta is a major way in proving how rapidly its being urbanized and more and more people from the rural areas are moving into the city to find work.  As the number of people moving into the central city increases, so does issues such as traffic causing great risks involving pollution!

1 komentar:

  1. So what do you suggest we do to solve this issue? It's good that you are pointing out topics related to urbanization here in Jakarta, but also offer solutions. Emission standards and outlawing trash burning could be a start in my opinion.
